AI – threat or opportunity?
Posted: July 27, 2023 // Author: Board Originator Ltd.

Short answer – carrying on forging a path in business, even in the face of extraordinary technological change – you are always learning resilience.
Even in a world of AI where potentially some ideas, processes or enterprises change dramatically, or aspects become redundant, you as an entrepreneur are:
- building resilience
- building a contact book of useful people
- accumulating life experience
There may be unique unintended consequences of the AI revolution which will require firms to be agile, open minded and nimble. For example investors might come to expect faster business arrival and faster successful exit (after all, given the pace of change, entrepreneurs might need to achieve ‘quick wins’ and faster exits in a faster moving environment).
That doesn’t mean taking your eye off the long term risk horizon.
It remains crucial to bear in mind the risk horizon as well as short term, because then you’re poised to be nimble as well as make informed choices about the longer term.
There will be adjustments companies can make, to seize opportunities for growth and improve chances in a post-AI world:
- know and review terms within your insurance provider
- ensure you are content with your Cyber cover
- what AI solutions could you adopt into your product or services offering
- be prepared for anything in the regulatory space, such as retrospective legislation, audits, codes of practice etc
- define and cascade your corporate culture and ethics
- Join AI groups that resonate with you
What you get from SEEIO is:
- automated ‘SEEIO’ governance platform serves you governance on a plate that makes you cognizant, overnight, of risks and opportunities
- fully customisable by you, and shareable, with your directors and people
We keep an open mind about use of AI to speed or improve SEEIO.
At the same time, we are real people, experienced and doing our product design, monitoring, planning and expansion.
Keep up with – and overtake – competitors, with governance at your fingertips.
This all comes back to building resilience:
- not allowing your company to have missed opportunities
- not missing out on spotting risk.
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