ESG: “E” “S” and “G” are expanding

An official governance Statement is required under the Companies Act for annual director’s reports in the largest private and public companies (who exceed turnover and employee threshold tests).  The largest firms report on the governance Code they adhere to and how they meet/depart, with reasons.

Often, firms report on scaffolding–  committee structure and regularity of meetings.  Larger firms often have a standing ‘governance’ item in their audit committee agenda.

Smaller firms ALSO need governance – “G” the “Governance” measure. 

It means actively discussing topics essential to long-term survival:-

  • Financial solidity
  • Risk management
  • Legal duty
  • Stakeholders

Board Originator gives you “G” with stage-appropriate tools that do governance smartly and digitally:

  • Vision and purpose: outline your culture
  • Risk management: the pressing issues in your sector for your size
  • Objectives: owners and metrics
  • Board meeting automation: funding rounds will result in additional directors on your board. A good board meeting has well informed, strategic decision making, about the realities in your sector
  • News alert: from us to your inbox
  • Free policies: starter business policies
  • Skills matrix: discover knowledge gaps in your company board
  • Cash tool: feeds into your core duty as a director not to trade-on, when the signs point the other way.

More reasons to get your governance sorted –

  • Compliance
  • Trust with investors
  • Tackle avoidable errors
  • Good habits for the future
  • Meet expectation in society and stakeholders. 

How does “G” relate to “S” and “E”?

  • “S” is ‘social’ – best interpreted as “stakeholder”

manage the wide group of people, influencers and persons affected by what you do. 

  • “E” for ‘environment’ is really “E” Ethics.

Think beyond paper, to where you source your goods and services, values and culture in the supply chain, your banking, whether it is sustainable and ethical, and whether your hobbies and social media square with your firm’s culture and direction. 


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