ESG proportionality

In the past, companies could decide what ESG material to disclose – but lack of consistency in how firms reported on ESG has led regulatory bodies to take more interest in this space.

Regulatory bodies in US and EU are adding prescription and detail, to the expected data that larger firms should collect about impact upon ESG (environment, social and governance).  

European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) is considering oversight of analytical companies who process and produce ESG data (e.g. ratings firms and aggregators in ESG).   UK Treasury is thinking along the same lines.

In this country, FCA is consulting on a response to the emergence of ESG reports and ratings firms, is concerned to ensure transparency and trust in that market, and at the same time keep regulation proportionate.

Where is this ESG data coming from? Here are some sources:

  • Regulators and NGO’s
  • Industry associations and sector risk reports
  • Geography data by region
  • Data disclosed by firms
  • Third party certifying and verifying

How best to collect your ESG data and do this proportionately?  Use technology and automation, about choices you make – about environment, stakeholders and governance.

Board Originator is the “G” in ESG.  We provide governance software, customised by you.

Board Originator is risk-management fused with culture.  ESG is one element in our platform, stage-appropriate, for scale and growth firms.  Board Originator is customisable – therefore it builds as many ESG risks and priorities as you wish to measure. 

Track ESG targets, assign ESG tasks, see ESG progress in easy to read reports.

We continue to watch the horizon for the latest developments.


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