Steps toward getting diversity right in business

The reality is – if a company can grasp that diversity requires ‘more than previously thought’, it is on the road to genuinely achieving diversity. 

A great amount of education can come from reading key quotes from successful business people, who take the time to learn what’s necessary and desirable.  Those crucial bits of advice are paraphrased here, for your benefit because its such an important area.

If we look at just one scenario – women in business – and fair treatment – really enabling women to achieve their best.  We can learn from reading around, that problems still manifest very significantly indeed – and the risk of under-diversifying a business, still needs managing.  

Really challenge yourself to review whether you are supporting women you do business with.  This applies whether women are running their own businesses, or part of yours:

  • The greatest gender diversity on executive teams, leads to companies that significantly outperform their peers (McKinsey & Co research)
  • Women create new ways of working
  • Positively encourage and achieve work-life balance because female entrepreneurs with family responsibilities biggest reason for starting a business is flexibility
  • Tie executive compensation to diversity enhancement
  • Seek feedback on culture
  • Have a go at zero tolerance to discrimination, unfairness and harassment
  • Reflect on how choices made by your leaders and senior investment partners impact on women in your business
  • Challenge out-dated attitudes, and open up minds, to what’s possible
  • 3/4 female startup founders and women in VCs are concerned about unfairness
  • Remove unconscious bias from the room

SEEIO enables you to get to more diverse outcomes – because you are prompted – in our Power Tools – to set targets, review risks and set Objectives.  Populate the power tools in a genuinely healthy way – supporting each other to growth  –  and see your business becoming stronger in a new way.


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