What on earth are ISSB sustainability standards

The ‘IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards’ of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) were boosted by mid-year creation of sustainability measures for firms, aimed at raising global standards and informing capital markets. The current standards are voluntary but widely respected. 

The IFRS community is listed firms – and firms voluntarily adopting its’ standards.

The Financial Conduct Authority supports the sustainability standards. The point? To create useful information for investors, and reliable globally respected metrics that markets can rely on. The standards focus on ESG risk management, strategy and comparable metrics.

However environmental sustainability standards are not just for financial services firms. The aim was to generate honesty and transparency in global capital markets on a key point of comparison.

This has inspired UK government to think about supporting standards for non-IFRS firms.

What is the relevance to smaller firms?

  • Note what matters to regulators and investors
  • Start thinking about your narrative, in ESG
  • What is the impact of climate on you? Including change moving quicker than anticipated
  • How strong is your resilience
  • How sustainable are your supply chains, locations, partners, staffing, cloud storage, insurers and banking

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